Community Events

No Tricks, Just Treats Festival

Sunday, October 13

2 PM - 4 PM


We are pumpkin’ out Halloween fun like never before with our No Tricks, Just Treats festival! Join us on Sunday, October 13, 2-4 PM for our first No Tricks, Just Treats festival. Children, students, and adults of all ages can enjoy games, refreshments, prizes, and a costume contest provided by local business and non-profits in our community. Enjoy relaxing with friends and grab a delicious coffee and treat. Entry to the festival is FREE!

Special thanks to Elux Beauty Studio, Jane Foods Inc., Pathways Center, Wellroot Family Services, Mary-Kay, FEAR Knot Designs, Childress Dental Center, and LaGrange Police Department for helping provide fun at No Tricks, Just Treats!


No Tricks, Just Treats Festival Vendor Application

No Tricks, Just Treats Festival is hosted by Local Groundz Coffee Company on Sunday, October 13th, 1-5 PM. This festival showcases various businesses and non-profits in the community while providing family-fun, fit for the season. It also allows the opportunity for businesses and non-profits to promote their services. Potential vendors are welcome to apply by filling out this application. Please note there is only a limited amount of space available. Local Groundz Coffee Company reserves the right to accept or deny vendors based on ability to serve a high volume of people, entertainment value, safety, and/or fits the primary mission of the No Tricks, Just Treats Festival. Apply below!

Local Groundz